Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Speaking of rEd HoT...

The fireworks in NYC this year was perhaps the most ostentatious display I have ever seen. At age 10, when I went to the bicentennial celebration in NYC with my family, I thought I had seen it all as far as fireworks displays go, but this year was something else...

Some friends and I were on a rooftop right near the East river facing midtown. We had a prime view of the Macy's fireworks. Directly in front of us was the Empire State Building and the entire Manhattan skyline was sprawled before us. We were dazzled by four big rows of fireworks and could also see the Battery Park ones if we looked a litte to our left. The explosions seemed to span the entire skyline.
It was as if NY was trying to prove something.
It was as if NY was saying we are indeed the biggest and the best. Behold our mighty fireworks.
It was as if at any moment, George Bush would come parachuting down the middle of the display in full army gear, clutching Osama's head, ready to address America with the speech of a lifetime. It seemed like the perfect setup to a national publicity stunt.

And then my feelings were confirmed. A group of drunk people behind us broke out in song, yelling the Team America theme song, "America, "FUCK YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
America, FUCK YEAH!"

It was all too appropriate. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, here's a nice little video

posted by coast2coast boogie @ 1:20 PM 


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